Lifepoint Health National Quality Leader

A Commitment to Quality Care 

Lifepoint National Quality Leader

Fleming County Hospital is proud to be a Lifepoint Health National Quality Leader. This special designation recognizes hospitals that have enrolled in the Lifepoint National Quality Program and succeeded in transforming their culture of safety and achieving high standards of quality care, performance improvement and patient engagement.

To achieve this designation, our team went through a rigorous process working with experts to evaluate how we provide care and to adopt and implement best practices.  As a result of this work, we have a unique cultural and operational focus on quality in which everyone – employees, physicians, patients and family members – has a voice and plays a vital role.

We consider quality more than just a set of clinical criteria. It is a way of life for us, encompassing everything we do. It incorporates how we care for patients, how we ensure the health and safety of each of our employees and how we contribute to the health of our community.